30m QRSS beacon: QRV2: reports |
Written by Hans Summers
Saturday, 13 June 2009 06:01 |
 | Week 1: 25-Aug-04 - 31-Aug-04 G3GKI, LA5VNA, DF5SF, PA1SDB, DL2WRJ, ON5SL, DL6JAN. No copy: ZL1BPU, VK6DI, G4KKI Read more... |  | Week 2: 01-Sep-04 - 07-Sep-04 SM6LKM, DL6JAN, PA1SDB, DF5SF. No copy: ON6RR, K7HKL, G4KKI Read more...
|  | 08-SEP-04: QRT A strap-on crystal heater from DB6NT was fitted to improve frequency stability by making the crystal more immune to attic temperature fluctuations. It's on the right of this picture of the oscillator module. | | 09-SEP-04 - 12-SEP-04: QRV but no luck No reports were received. It appeared to me also that the antenna tuning was "wierd": normally the null is sharp and deep, near 1:1 SWR. On investigation I found the oscillation was at approx 37MHz, varying in a very unstable way +/- 1MHz. One lead of the crystal had become disconnected. I fixed that and attempted to adjust the frequency to 10,140,050. For this I had to rely on previous frequency counter calibration measurements, so the process was rather approximate. | | 18-SEP-04: QRV again! This time, the ATU tuning "felt" right. Power readings and SWR were normal. However there were still NO reports despite several stations listening. Finally on Saturday 25-SEP-04 at 10:20 UT I recevied a message from Peter DL6NL who had found my signal way off frequency, at 10,138,885! Peter hunted for my signal by scanning from 10.135MHz upwards in 100Hz segments, spending 2 minutes monitoring each segment until he found me. THANKS PETER! |  | 25-SEP-04 - 29-Sep-04 DL6NL, DL2WRJ, LA5VNA, DF5SF, PA1SDB, OE5EEP. No copy: VK6DI, ON6RR, ON5EX Read more... |  | 30-SEP-04 - 07-OCT-04 PA1SDB, OE5EEP, ON4LP, ON5SL. No copy: VK6DI, G3GKI Read more... |  | 08-Oct-04 to 10-Oct-04 PA1SDB, OE5EEP, LA5VNA. No copy: G3GKI Read more... |
Last Updated on Saturday, 13 June 2009 06:38 |