30m QRSS junkbox tx: Special reports |
Written by Hans Summers
Saturday, 20 June 2009 17:16 |
This page contains reports which are in some way special or interesting. Unusual or strange propagation effects, for example. Doppler shift | 21-Mar-06 12:20Z: Unusual propagation conditions allowed Pierre ON5SL to copy my beacon at his very short distance. My signal is the one between '040 and '050. Notice the ionospheric doppler shift effect causes the signal to split into two paths. David VK6DI comments: "Yes, this image shows your signal arriving at the distant RX via 2 different paths. On one path (or maybe on both) the F layer is moving at around 29.7 mS relative to position of the other layer if we assume that you have a 1 Hz differential between the 2 signals and the freq = 10.1 Mhz. This is a simple doppler shift and is commonly seen on HF paths. A long way back I wrote a simple spread sheet prog to solve the appropriate simple equations and display the F layer speed required to produce that effect for various delta f's. The effect is more generally noticeable for high angles of radiation (short paths) and at around sunrise or sunset at one end of the path, or during sudden solar disturbances which make the ionosphere unstable. We have a lot to learn from the study of such images which is why I believe QRSS to be such an instructive activity.". David calculates that the relative speed of the reflecting layers is 107km/h. |
Reception in unusual circumstances! | 26-Mar-06 12:02Z: Andrea IW0HK did some QRSS'ing and SOTA at the same time at 1368m asl on the top of Monte Pellecchia. See pictures of his expidition and some more here. Andrea's 20m dipole was at ZERO height, just laying on the ground! |
Sudden opening and closing of propagation paths | 23-Mar-06 19:00Z: This interesting report from Paolo I1DFS shows how the propagation sometimes just ends really suddenly after sunset. It's as if the ionosphere throws the ON/OFF switch! |  | 23-Mar-06 19:25Z: A few minutes later, Andrea IW0HK recorded the same event. |  | 18-Mar-06 08:50Z: Another similar report from Steinar LA5VNA. This one shows the path opening early in the morning. |
Remote Internet ReceptionAndrea Borgnino IW0HK reported an interesting way to enjoy QRSS monitoring from the comfort of your office! When you can't be at home in the shack, no problem you can still do something in your workplace. There are variety of remotely controlled receivers on the internet and it is possible to monitor the audio streams from these using a local copy of Argo (or similar QRSS software) installed on your computer. Some example receivers Andrea mentioned are: http://www.radio.rai.it/webradio/index.cfm: an Icom PCR-1000 in Rome http://dl7pz.dtdns.net/java.html: web java receiver of DL7PZ in Berlin http://www.dxtuners.com: DX Tuners; links to many remote receivers (free membership required).  | 05-Apr-06 13:12Z: Andrea IW0HK received this one remotely using an ICOM-R-75 located in Sweden. |  | 05-Apr-06 14:19Z: I installed Argo on my laptop and connected to the Rome Receiver. I received my own beacon remotely! This is my first ever QRSS monitoring. Next, I took the laptop to my attic and messed around with the amount of shift, at the same time watching the result on my Argo screen! |  | 05-Apr-06 14:16Z: Chris DL6JAN also observed me increasing the amount of FSK shift at the same time, in Germany. So this was a different and fun way to enjoy QRSS beaconing! |
QRSS at sea! | A sailor went to Sea, Sea, Sea To see what he could See, See, See But all that he could See, See, See Was the bottom of the deep blue Sea, Sea, Sea!
But this time, the sailors were accompanied in the Malta Strait by Paolo I1DFS, and all that he could See, See, See was lots of QRSS, QRSS, QRSS! Here's the nice trace of G0UPL's beacon in London some 2,000km distant (as well as other QRSS beacons such as Larry WB3ANQ)!
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Last Updated on Tuesday, 23 June 2009 18:40 |