30m QRSS veacon: QRV2: reports: week 3 |
Written by Hans Summers
Saturday, 13 June 2009 05:45 |
 | 25-SEP-04 11:20 UT: This was the first image from Peter DL6NL a.k.a. Sharky, after finding my beacon in the wilderness; the first report on my beacon for almost 3 weeks! |  | Subsequent image from Sharky showing the whole crown. |  | 25-SEP-04: Nice report from Wolf DL2WRJ. It shows the end of the QRSS10 section, and "73 DE" in HELL. |  | This second one from Wolf shows the "PL" ending the HELL section, and a very clear image of my "crown" signature. |  | Another from Wolf, showing the QRSS10. Notice that after the installation of the strap-on crystal heater, the signal appears beautifully stable and chirp free |  | The 25'th was a busy day! Another from Sharky, showing the "crown" in fine detail using Argo's QRSS10 mode. |  | 25-SEP-04 16:59 UT: Here's what the "crown" looked like in Norway, as seen by Steinar LA5VNA. |  | 27-SEP-04 16:15 UT: Interesting "crown" from Uli DF5SF. Duplicate steps indicates Doppler effect due to rapid ionospheric changes at sunset. At the time of this image, the sun was setting at a point somewhere between our QTH's. |  | 27-SEP-04: Nice image of the Hell section from Uli DF5SF. It's good to see no trace of sloping on the line of text, since the installation of the DB6NT strap-on crystal heater. |  | 29-SEP-04: The crown trademark, from Peter PA1SDB. This is what it looks like in Argo's "3s dots, slow" mode... |  | ...and this one from the evening of the 29'th shows the crown in the "QRSS 10s, normal" mode. |  | 29-SEP-04: This second one from Peter shows the "G0" of my call in the Hell section. Notice that in Argo's 3s mode, the horizontal axis is "stretched" by being too fast, so characters appear as a series of slanted lines. |  | 29-SEP-04: Heinz OE5EEP returned from holidays and sent this image, his first in this test series. Click on the image to see the complete 42 minute beacon sequence! |